Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What makes a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign?

There are a lot of digital marketing channels available and it has become really hard to keep up with the trends and the complexity in the buyer behavior. The lack of alignment with the business goals and lack of technology has contributed greatly to the frustration of digital marketers in an already complicated industry. However, information is key and we gathered some crucial points to note for a seamless digital marketing campaign.
Have a clear goal in mind

Set up specific goals for your campaign. You want to increase sales? Make it more specific like increasing your sales for the holidays coming ahead by doing a flash sale on your website for 3 days. By making your goals specific you can then determine the next steps. Create a realistic framework. Identify Appropriate KPIs. Narrow it down to the ones that most closely represent your key target areas and will help you to stay on track and understand which of your marketing actions are actually working.

Identify your market

Collecting data to build your buyer personas has never been easier. Free analytics tool are available online and can be integrated to your campaigns. Thanks to this, we can now get insights to the buying behaviour of our customers through historical and real-time data. We can also see which devices they are on the most and what age group are they from and many more. Once we have correctly set up a buyer persona, we are now ready to make an outline of each phase of the buyer’s journey and find out which marketing channel would be ideal for our campaign.

Choose your digital marketing channel(s)

After researching our market, it is now time to choose our messenger. This is very important as this will be our medium to communicate with our customers.  There are a lot of Digital Marketing channel available – Email/Newsletter, PPC, SEO, Display, Video, Content Marketing, Social Media, Online PR and many more. Finding the right channel isn’t as hard as you might think especially once you thought of your goal. Going back to our previous example, the goal was to increase the sales for the coming holidays by doing a flash sale on the website. Since the duration of this goal is set to 3 days we can do a combination of PPC, Display, Social Media and Email Marketing. By doing a Shopping Campaign on PPC/Display you can now attract consumers who are looking for similar products on those 3 days while using Social Media and Email Marketing can help you build up the excitement by doing consistent ads on the days leading to the sale. Read More